It’s almost impossible to just pull those annoying weeds when they’re entrenched in gravel. That’s why a weed killer may be your best option.
Whether you need year-long vegetation control, or a natural desiccant we’ve got you covered for best weed killers for gravel!
Top Best Weed Killers for Gravel – Reviews
1. RM43 43-Percent Glyphosate Plus Weed Preventer Total Vegetation Control

Do you want to be rid of all vegetation in your gravel and not have to worry about it for a while? Then RM43’s glyphosate-based herbicide is exactly what you need.
It is a non-selective formula that will kill all vegetation in the area within about 3-5 days, as well as prevent seeds from germinating for the next year or so. And it only takes a few ounces mixed in water to cover 1000 square feet at a time!
Follow all directions as closely as possible, as this mixture is quite toxic to animals and humans if inhaled, swallowed, or if it comes into direct contact with skin.
- Non-selective, kills vegetation and prevents for one year
- 1-gallon treats up to 17,297 square feet
- Glyphosate and imazapyr
- Incredibly effective vegetation control
- Affordable, a little goes a long way
- Two chemicals work together for better results
- Toxic, use caution
- Not for use near crops
2. Green Gobbler Vinegar Weed & Grass Killer – Natural and Organic Weed & Grass Killer

We love Green Gobbler! It gives you ridiculously quick results, is completely environment and pet safe, and is ready to be applied right out of the bottle with the included easy spray nozzle.
With Green Gobbler you can remove vegetation from your gravel in under 24 hours and not have to worry about nearby plants or animals being affected.
It is quite corrosive, however, so use care storing and applying this strong solution.
- Non-selective, 20% vinegar solution
- 1-gallon treats about 1,200 square feet
- Ready to use
- Results within hours
- Certified for organic use
- 100% pet, child, crop, and environment safe
- Does not prevent regrowth
- Corrosive, use caution
- Covers less area
3. Ortho 4613905 GroundClear Weed and Grass Killer: Ready-to-Use

Another great alternative to toxic weed killers is this Ortho formula which uses highly concentrated surfactant to kill weeds and grass on contact.
It starts working immediately and you can see results within minutes! You can use it near crops without worry, and once it has dried it is safe for kids and pets as well.
Unfortunately, 1-gallon does not go very far. So, if you need to cover a very large area of gravel it may not be cost effective.
- Non-selective surfactant formula, ammonium nonanoate
- Non-toxic
- Ready to use
- Fast, results in minutes
- Safe for use around crops
- Doesn’t prevent regrowth
- Covers less area
4. Compare-N-Save 016869 Concentrate Grass and Weed Killer, 41-Percent Glyphosate

If cost is the major concern for your gravel de-weeding, check out Compare-N-Save’s glyphosate and salt formula. One bottle can be stretched to 25,000 square feet or more – depending on your weeds.
We absolutely do not recommend this product if you have pets. Some customers report extreme illness in dogs that came in contact with product, even after drying for 5+ hours.
- Non-selective, glyphosate and isopropylamine salt
- 1-gallon treats 25,000 square feet
- Rainproof in 2 hours
- Results in 3-5 days
- Cheap, covers huge area
- Safe to plant near after application
- Toxic, use caution
- Not for use around pets
- Does not prevent regrowth
5. Doctor Kirchner Natural Weed & Grass Killer

Though it’s more expensive than the rest, it’s the only weed killer that boasts organic certifications, sustainably sourced ingredients and packaging, AND totally non-toxic formula.
You can rest easy that your pets, kids, and the environment are being taken care of while also removing all the annoying vegetation from your gravel.
You may end up using quite a bit on stubborn weeds though, so be prepared to spend more money for the upsides.
- Non-selective: ocean salt water, vinegar, and soap formula
- Certified for organic use
- Ready to use
- Sustainably sourced
- Completely non-toxic and pet, crop, environment safe
- Covers less area
- Less effective on stubborn weeds
Buyers Guide
Before we get into how to find the best weed killer for gravel for your home, we’s like to drive a few points home:
- Always read the label: so that you know exactly what the weed killer will target, how to apply it, and what to do if anything goes wrong.
- The label is law: don’t be casual with how often you apply, or how you care for the application site. Failure to follow directions when working with some of these chemicals could lead to dangerous ramifications for the environment, wildlife, or you and your family.
- Use protective gear and caution: when applying chemicals or corrosive weed killers, it’s always better safe than sorry. Choose a windless day to apply and wear a mask if there is any danger of inhalation. Keep kids and pets away from the area during application and for however long after the label suggests.
Types of Weed Killers and Active Ingredients
Selective weed killers
Selective weed killers suppress or control some plants without affecting the growth of other species. For gravel this type is mostly unnecessary, as you likely want to remove all vegetation.
Non-selective weed killers
As the name suggests, non-selective weed killers are not formulated to work against any specific plant species. This type suppresses all plant life that it comes into contact with.
For use on gravel, a non-selective weed killer may be your simplest choice. You won’t have to worry about buying a formula for a specific weed or grass, and can remove all vegetation with ease.
And folks seeking non-toxic weed killer for gravel will be pleased to find that there are many non-selective weed and grass killers made from pet and child safe ingredients.
Common ingredients in non-selective weed killers include:
- Glyphosate
- Glufosinate
- Soap
- Salt
- Vinegar
What to Look for in Weed Killers for Gravel
Plant type
What type of weeds are you trying to eliminate? Some weed killers cover a huge variety of weed types, while others are specifically formulated for certain weeds.
Are you battling the tough and persistent Dandelion? Look for weed killers that specifically target Dandelions, or wider spectrum broadleaf control formula.
For gravel you may just want to remove all vegetation. Use a non-selective formula that will eliminate everything it touches. Glyphosate is one of the most effective, non-selective weed killers.
Are you seeking a weed killer that will work once, or do you need a formula that will control plant growth for months at a time?
Read the labels carefully so you know which kind you are getting. This is especially important for non-selective formulas if you have any plans to plant on or near the application area at a later time.
Frequently Asked Questions
How often should I apply weed killers for gravel?
As mentioned above, the label is law. Refer to the directions for your specific weed killer and do noy exceed the recommended applications per season or year.
Many chemical weed killers can only be used once a year, or less. And though the natural ingredient weed killers may not have such strict rules, it’s still important not to go overboard or you may impact the health of your soil.
Will mulch or fabric barriers be effective weed control for gravel?
As you would be using either of these underneath gravel, their effectiveness is debatable. If the gravel is thick enough, it’s already restricting the sunlight to weeds, and additional barriers may be a waste of money.
Also, with rolls of fabric weed barrier it is possible that the gravel will shift and slide more than if it were just on dirt. If you ride a motorcycle, dirt bike, or bicycle this could lead to dangerous slips and spills.
What are the best ways to control weeds in gravel without weed killer?
There are a lot of DIY weed killers out there! However, all of them are non-selective. That means you’ll be getting rid of all the vegetation it touches, and not just weeds.
Mix your own
Vinegar is one of the most common natural weed killers. Find a high potency vinegar of around 30% and dilute it in water, testing to reach desired strength.
Soaps and surfacants can be made into an excellent DIY weed killer using just what you have around the house. The folks at DIY Collaborative can show you how.
Salt is a good weed killer and preventer for gravel, as it can retard growth in addition to killing already emerged weeds. Check out this video or this one for instructions on how to mix your own salt based weed killer.
Kill it with fire
Though it sounds maniacal, burning weeds is a super quick and efficient way to deal with post-emergent weeds. If you scorch the ground well enough you can even damage the seeds left in the ground.
But working with fire has its own dangers. Has it rained recently, or is the nearby underbrush very dry and likely to catch fire easily? Have safety gear on hand like a wet, cotton towel or a fire extinguisher.
Boiling water
Another incredibly effective, but dangerous way to kill weeds without spending any money is boiling water. We strongly urge you to wear protective gear if employing this method, as burns fro boiling water are serious business!
In a rush and just need the winners? For the most effective, long term weed killer and preventer for gravel check out RM43. And if you want a natural, but highly potent vegetation control for use around crops and pets take a closer look at Green Gobbler.
We hope these handy tips, tricks, and reviews will help you find the best weed killers for gravel for you!
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