Are you dreaming of a lush, green lawn? If you’re struggling with bare spots, burned out grass, or short, stubby blades, you could probably use an excellent fertilizer. With so many on the market, how do you choose the best fertilizers for Bermuda grass? Read on for a breakdown of the best options and how to decide for yourself.
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The 8 Best Fertilizers for Bermudagrass – Reviews
1) Scotts Turf Builder Starter
Scotts has built a reputation for improving lawns. From quality seed to substantive fertilizer, the company has created a one-stop-shop for people looking to establish plush, green lawns. They claim that this starter fertilizer will help the grass grow 70% thicker and 35% faster than unfertilized grass.

Why We Like It
· Reliable brand
· Available in various sizes to accommodate any size lawn
· Works with some tough soil types including sandy soil and clay
· 15-pound bag
· NPK ratio 24-5-4
· One bag covers up to 5,000 square feet
Our Verdict
Though it’s called a “starter,” Scotts Turf Builder Starter works on existing lawns as well. It’s a good option for filling in and working fast.
2) Simple Lawn Solutions
Simple Lawn Solutions is a family-owned business with more than 25 years of experience working with lawns and turf. Another product for multiple grass types, the Simple Lawn Solutions liquid fertilizer, is a chemical-free option for those who are environmentally conscious. This turf fertilizer contains natural and organic ingredients.

Why We Like It
· The liquid fertilizer can easily be sprayed on your lawn.
· All-natural and organic means you don’t have to worry about exposure to harsh chemicals.
· It’s made in the United States by a family-owned business.
· 1-quart bottle
· NPK ratio 16-4-8
· One bottle covers up to 3200 square feet.
Our Verdict
Simple Lawn Solutions will give you lush grass, and it’s eco-friendly, so you’ll have a green lawn in both senses of the word.
3) Doc’s Super Juice All-in-One Soluble Lawn Fertilizer
If nothing else, this is definitely a super-sized fertilizer. One bag of Doc’s Super Juice will cover an acre at the full concentration. This product is a dry mix. Simply add water using a hose and end sprayer to apply the fertilizer to your grass. The company boasts that you’ll see results in 5-12 days.

Why We Like It
· You get a lot and excess product stores easily in the resealable bag.
· It can be applied at full strength or half strength and still yield results.
· It’s easy to apply to lawns.
· 13.6-pound bag
· NPK ratio 14-2-4, but can cut in half to 7-1-2
· One bag can cover up to one acre at full strength.
Our Verdict
This one has mixed reviews, but on their website, they specifically mention Bermuda grass, so it may be best for this type of grass.
4) Scotts Turf Builder Thick’R Lawn Sun and Shade
This company knows lawns; they’ve built their brand on plush, green yards. Easily applied with a spreader, this 3-in-1 solution includes seed, fertilizer, and organic materials to improve your soil.

Why We Like It
· It’s a win anytime you can get a product to accomplish more than one job.
· The brand is reliable, and there are hundreds of positive reviews for this one.
· It works in sun and shade.
· Available in 12-pound and 40-pound bags.
· 12-pound bag covers up to 1200 square feet
Our Verdict
If you have a blend of sun and shade, this particular blend could be your best bet.
5) Lawnstar Fertilizer
Another liquid fertilizer and premium blend, Lawnstar’s product comes in a bottle with a built-in hose sprayer. It can be used in the spring and applied throughout the summer.

Why We Like It
· The blend is suitable for all grass types.
· Easy to apply with an attached sprayer.
· The company offers a refund for products returned within 30 days of purchase.
· 32-ounce bottle with a built-in sprayer
· NPK 16-4-8 ratio
· Covers up to 4000 square feet
Our Verdict
If you’re looking for a product you can use throughout the spring and summer months, this may be your best bet.
6) Milorganite Organic Nitrogen Fertilizer
The company boasts that their product has been used on golf courses and reduces the amount of watering you’ll need to do.

Why We Like It
· An organic option that won’t burn your grass out.
· Easy to apply with a spreader.
· Well-reviewed by a lot of users.
· 36-pound bag
· NPK ratio 6-4-0
· Covers up to 2500 square feet
Our Verdict
A solid option for those seeking an organic fertilizer, though it’s pricier than some of the other choices.
7) BioAdvanced Weed and Feed
As the name suggests, this fertilizer will nurture your Bermuda grass while it kills pesky weeds like dandelions and clover.

Why We Like It
· Feeds the lawn and kills weeds
· Made explicitly for southern lawns like Bermuda grass
· 12.5-pound bag
· Covers up to 5000 square feet
Our Verdict
If you’re looking for a fertilizer and weed killer that will work for a southern turf like Bermudagrass, this could be a good choice.
8) Safer Brand Ringer Lawn Fertilizer
This fertilizer is plant-based and odor-free. It promotes the growth of lush grass and works to strengthen roots while improving soil vitality.

Why We Like It
· It doesn’t use animal products, so there’s no manure smell
· Works to enhance the root system and improve the soil
· 25-pound bag
· Covers up to 5000 square feet
Our Verdict
A solid option for any type of grass, but it’s one of the more expensive options.
Buyers Guide Questions
What is Bermuda Grass?
Usually found in the southern United States, Bermuda Grass is native to tropical and subtropical countries. It’s sensitive to cold temperatures but withstands extreme heat and even drought due to the extensive root system.
Bermuda Grass is one of the fastest-growing warm-season grasses, which means you’ll likely need to mow it more frequently. If you experience an extended drought, you’re going to notice the grass goes dormant. Thankfully, Bermuda Grass is hardy enough to endure and will bounce back.
Why You Need Fertilizer
Whether you’re existing lawn needs a little work or you’re starting from scratch, fertilizer can help you achieve the lush, green grass you desire. There’s a good reason to use fertilizer on your lawn, and it has to do with nutrition.
Plants, including grass, actually need six nutrients to grow and thrive. Carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen come from the soil. The other three nutrients, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium come from fertilizer.
What is the NPK ratio?
When you’re shopping for a fertilizer, you’ll see three numbers on the package known as the NPK ratio. These numbers represent the percentage of nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium in the fertilizer.
- Nitrogen, used to encourage growth and make plants green, is the first number and generally the largest percentage.
- Phosphorous is the second number and often the lowest number. Phosphorus promotes the development of a plant’s root system.
- Potassium is the last number, and it is the element that supports the health and vigor of your grass.
Different fertilizers will use different combinations of elements, but a good rule of thumb for spring fertilization is a 20-5-10 mixture. It would be 20 percent nitrogen, 5 percent phosphate, and 10 percent potassium.
How to Choose the Right Fertilizer for You
Choosing the proper fertilizer is necessary to prevent your grass from harm. There are a lot of choices from the nutrient composition to the method of application.
How to Determine the Right NPK Ratio
Selecting a fertilizer with the right NPK ratio is the best way to help your Bermuda grass thrive. There are a few ways to determine what NPK ratio is best for your lawn.
- Consult your seed packaging for recommendations of an optimum fertilizer or NPK ratio.
- Some fertilizers will state on their site or package that they work with any grass type or environment.
- When in doubt, have your soil tested.
Should You Use Natural and Organic or Synthetic?
There are two classes of fertilizers. You can go the natural and organic route or opt for a synthetic product.
Organic fertilizers rely on natural resources like manure, blood meal, and feather meal. These fertilizers work with microbes in the soil to break down nutrients for the plants. They don’t add salts or acids to the soil. However, not all “natural” products are organic, so watch for those that use inorganic materials.
Synthetic fertilizers are manufactured in labs from compounds. They are great for a quick boost, but too much synthetic fertilizer can damage your grass and surrounding plants. Synthetic fertilizers tend to be high in salt and can lead to more watering.
Should You Use Granules or Liquid Fertilizer?
For the most part, this comes down to personal preference. There are benefits to both options, and either way, your lawn will be fed the nutrients it needs.
Granular fertilizers are solid bits that are dissolved by water to work into the soil. There is a subset known as slow-release fertilizers. When you choose a slow-release fertilizer, part of the nutrients will take several weeks to breakdown and be made available to the grass.
Liquid fertilizers, also known as soluble fertilizers are generally packaged in a bottle, attached to your hose, and sprayed over the lawn. Some liquid fertilizers will still need to be dissolved in water. These fertilizers are quick-release and generally work faster than granular fertilizers.
Tips for Fertilizing Your Lawn
You’ve chosen the best fertilizer for Bermuda Grass, picked up your supplies, and you’re ready to get started. Don’t worry, we’re not about to set you off on your own without a few grass fertilizing tips to help you on your way.
- Fertilizer should be applied in the spring when the soil reaches around 55° Fahrenheit.
- A few days before you fertilize, water your lawn thoroughly and let it dry.
- Start with the perimeter of your lawn, then work back and forth in straight lines to ensure an even cover.
- Lightly water your lawn after applying the fertilizer to wash it into the soil.
When you mow, leave the clippings on your lawn because they can provide about a quarter of your lawn’s fertilizer needs.
Round Up
Top Pick
Scotts Turf Builder Starter is our choice for the best fertilizer for Bermuda Grass because it is the most comprehensive option. Though marketed as a “starter,” it works on existing lawns and is safe for any grass type.
Premium Choice
Simple Lawn Solutions is not that much more than other fertilizers in its class, but it does carry a higher price tag. However, you are paying for a versatile, organic fertilizer that won’t leave harsh chemicals on your lawn.
Great Value
Scott’s Turf Builder Thick’R Lawn is an excellent value because it will seed, fertilize, and improve your soil for one low price. It eliminates the need for additional products without sacrificing your lawn.
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